Therapy in English Berlin

Professional help with psychological problems, life crises and stress-related illnesses.

Therapy in English Berlin

Welcome to my website! 

Most people suffer from psychological problems in the course of their lives. It is not always possible to find a way out on your own. As a psychotherapist I will help you to find solutions and support you in challenging every day and life situations. Meanwhile, the behavioral therapy and its treatment will be individually customized for you circumstances.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I offer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adults in my private practice for psychotherapy for all kinds of psychological problems, stress, and life crises. My practice for private psychotherapy in Berlin has locations in Friedrichshain and Mitte.

1. Fees and Funding

The costs of outpatient psychotherapy by a psychological psychotherapist are generally covered by private health insurance funds.

According to § 13.3 SGB V, the statutory health insurers are also obliged to cover the costs of treatment in a private practice if no therapy place can be offered within a reasonable period of time by a therapist with a registered office.

2. Schedul an appointment

In a phone call or by email we can clarify existing questions and arrange a first appointment.

3. Starting Therapy

During the first appointment, mutual questions, concerns and expectations will be clarified and I will inform you about my therapeutic approach. Click on the button to learn more about the process.

Are you seeking professional help and need a timely appointment?

Psychotherapie Berlin: Locations

Find out about the two practice locations. In both Berlin Friedrichshain and Berlin Mitte, I offer psychotherapy as a behavioral therapist for adults in life crises and with psychological problems, such as depression, stress disorder, burnout, compulsions, eating disorder and trauma.


Kontaktieren Sie uns, um Fragen zu klären und einen ersten Termin zu vereinbaren. Wählen Sie dafür eine der aufgeführten Kontaktmöglichkeiten.

Telefonische Erreichbarkeit: 
Telefon: 030 / 4596 3023

Montag bis Freitag
09:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr.

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Freiraum Psychotherapie
Gubener Str. 47
10243 Berlin
(Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir zwei verschiedene Therapiestandorte haben (siehe Unten)).

Therapiestandort Mainzer Straße
Freiraum Psychotherapie
Mainzer Str.21
10247 Berlin

Therapiestandort Gubener Straße
Freiraum Psychotherapie
Gubener Str, 47
10243 Berlin